Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10

Tomorrow we are going to library. Please pack your books in your bag so that you can exchange them tomorrow.

We had a visit from the Calgary Opera company who performed the Musicians of Bremen, based on the tale by the Brothers Grimm.

Our GOTD was " What happens when the Queen dies?" and in French we looked at why camels have humps and why do we call lions the king of the jungle?

Ask me what the following sentences mean:

- Les bosses des chameaux contient pas de l'eau. Le bosse fonctionne comme un garde-manger, remplis d'amas de graisse.

- Si le chameau n'a pas mangé depuis longtemps ce bosse se vide et tombe sur le côté à mésure que le stock d'energie s'epuisse. Un chameau peut passer alors quinzes jours sans s'alimenter.

- On dit que le lion est le roi des animaux principalement à cause de sa belle crinière qui couronne sa tête.

- Le lion mange comme un roi : Même si ce sont les femelles qui chassent leur proie, c'est le male qui mange en premier et puis il repose.

We then worked on deciphering the main ideas from texts and some students completed their math assessments.

In English we worked on poetry. Having read some poems as class, we looked at the 2,4 rhyming structure. We discussed how the first and thirds lines can be almost anything we like, as long as the second and fourth lines rhymed.
The theme was : dinner. As a class we wrote the following poem. Hilarious and slightly dark...

My grandma has been online dating
 And really, I can’t take any more!
See, the guy she invited to dinner,
Is a 20ft green dinosaur!
  He eats like an animal,
But he can’t even reach his plate!
 He’s really quite messy
But, she says he’s a wonderful date

The dinosaur made a strange noise,
My granny looked at me and winked,
 She’d put some poison in his food,
And that’s why dinosaurs are extinct!

We then worked individually on poems and came up with some very amusing poems. One about a neighbor who is a crocodile:

The crocodile died,
And that gave me the blues,
and so that I remember him,
I turned him into shoes.
- Zac

    Hannah wrote an awesome poem about her cat being a scientist:
Today it's a PD day
My cat thinks he is alone,
but when I came down for breakfast,
he was talking on the phone!

He was wearing little glasses,
a lab coat and a tie,
he spotted me in the door way,
then jumped and screamed " Oh my!"

ILater I came to the laundry room.
surprised to see a trail,
I followed it to this room,
and then I saw a tail.

I found my cat in a lab,
he was making potions,
So now I know it true and clear

My cat is a GENIUS!

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April 3, 2020

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